The access initiatvie Logo-for-use-on-light-background.png

The Access Initiative is about churches partnering with churches to advance the Kingdom among under-resourced people and places (2 Cor. 8:1-15). This practical pathway allows you to invest where consistent outside investment is needed.

How it works

  • Ministries in under-resourced environments submit a request for assistance (apply here).

  • Applications will be reviewed by a DEXCOM appointed team and then either accepted or denied.

  • Accepted requests are then added to the menu (below).

  • Church/Individuals seeking to invest in an under-resourced environment will fill out the form below, selecting an option(s) from the menu. The Central District Office will contact you for further instructions.

  • Then both parties will both fill out a MOU (Memorandum of Understanding). Submit to Sherry Hallis at [email protected] upon completion.

  • Please note: Churches that are currently giving the required 6% to the district advance can designate up to .5% of their giving towards one of the menu items for the duration of the MOU.

Under-Resourced Investment Options

Click the box below to learn more about the menu options: