About the Directors of Missions Mobilization

For 20 years (1987-2008), Bob & Dian were Alliance missionaries to Guinea, West Africa. Now serving as the Directors of Missions Mobilization for the Central District, their assigment is to help you and your church discover the ways God wants to use you as part of the Christ-centered, Acts 1:8 family that is The Alliance, to intentionally and aggressively advance His Kingdom not only within the borders of our district, but beyond, even to the ends of the earth. The Harners believe that a healthy heartbeat for missions will naturally result in generous participation in the Great Commission Fund, as well as in missions-focused action such as raising up and sending out missionaries from your congregation, strategic prayer for those serving overseas and the lost among whom they serve, and participation in short term missions trips, missions projects and international partnerships.

Bob and Dian Harner
Directors of Missions Mobilization
[email protected]
330-414-0554 (voice/text)

How Can We Help You?

Presentations – The Directors of Missions Mobilization are available to give formal or informal presentations to your entire congregation, small group, or committee—whether adults, youth, or children— in a variety of formats: Sunday morning messages, mini missions conferences, banquets, panel discussions, question and answer times, seminars, etc.

Consulting – The Directors of Missions Mobilization would love to meet with you and your board or missions committee to evaluate and enhance your missions effectiveness, brainstorm, share ideas, or provide resources.

Training – The Directors of Missions Mobilization can provide small group training sessions on how to set up a missions committee, taking adults on missions trips, involving children and youth in missions, etc.

Information - Contact the Directors of Missions Mobilization directly to learn more about our Central District international workers or to make contact with international workers in creative access countries.