Missions Handbook
You know that missions is central to the heart of God, who “is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9) It is central to God’s plan to bring into His Kingdom people from every nation, tongue, and tribe. And because it is central to both the heart and plan of God, it is central to The Alliance.
But it can be challenging to really engage your congregation in a way that missions becomes relational and all-encompassing. For that reason, we've assembled a collection of information to help you engage your congregation in ways that involve people (your congregation) with people (international workers and the lost around the world) throughout the year. Our goal is to provide you with a sort of “Alliance Missions 101” to get you pointed in the right direction. The explanations are not comprehensive, so we’ve included websites, phone numbers, and email addresses throughout to help you find additional information. We've made this information available both online and in print:
A printable version of the same information is available for download. Please note that some information is not included in this download for security reasons. Contact the Directors of Missions Mobilization for additional information.
Much of the information available to you can be found right here on this website under "Missions" on the main navigation menu (above). Please note that some information is not available online for security reasons. Contact the Directors of Missions Mobilization for additional information.
We rejoice in your commitment to see your congregation engage more fully in Alliance missions. And we understand the many hours of ministry that represents on your part. May the Lord bless your efforts so that you see much fruit for your labor!
Missions Engagement Assessment Tool
Missions Brochures
IW PowerPoints
Engage 2024
Called to Serve 2022
John Stumbo on Missions
Missions: Incarnational
Missions: Accountable
Missions: Fruitful
Missions: Networking
Missions: Sustainable