Third Culture Kids (TCK)


Some very important people in our Central District family are our TCKs—third culture kids—formerly known as MKs (missionary kids). Our purpose is to ensure that every one of these children is “adopted” by a church who will pray for them regularly and demonstrate love in creative long-distance ways. We want our IWs to know that we’re not only praying for them and the ministry God has called them to, but that we are also praying and caring for their children.

How to Adopt A TCK

  • Contact the District TCK coordinator (above) for more information

  • Establish local point person for ongoing TCK care

  • A church may choose to adopt all the children in a family or just one child.

  • District TCK Coordinator will provide support and guidance to the local point person as to how to be involved in your TCK’s life

Kendra Sovine
District TCK Coordinator
[email protected]

Additional information about this topic is available in the printed (or PDF) version of the Handbook. It is excluded from the online version for security reasons. To request a printed (or PDF) copy of the Handbook, contact the district Missions Mobilizers.