Central District Leadership Development Scholarship Fund

DEXCOM recently initiated a needs-based scholarship fund. The following points will help you understand what the fund is and how and when to apply.


  • Scholarships are for Central District people pursuing education toward licensed ministry or for development in approved non-licensed ministry.

  • All applicants must have a written endorsement from a licensed worker who is in the applicant’s church (preferably the applicant’s supervisor).

  • Scholarships will be awarded for District-approved programs (e.g. LEAD, ACLD, Westwood Theological Academy, Empower, etc.).

  • Funds will not be provided for college or graduate school degreed programs.

  • Only partial scholarships will be awarded (not 100% of the cost) and local churches are strongly encouraged to financially assist their students.

  • Scholarships will be granted for the time period of the program, but renewed annually to ensure the applicant is participating and passing the program.


  • DEXCOM will appoint a diverse Scholarship Committee to administer funding.

  • Scholarship applications will be available by January 1, 2024; the deadline for submission is March 31, 2024. (Applications submitted after March 31 will not be considered.)

  • The Scholarship Committee will review applications over the month of April and grant scholarships by May 1.

  • Scholarships will be awarded for the July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025 time period.

  • There will be a scholarship tab on the Central District website with more details by January 1, 2024.

  • Following the first year of this scholarship, DEXCOM will review the process and make adjustments if needed.