Love Gifts (formerly Outfit Fund)

In support of the 60+ International Workers (IWs) sent out and cared for by the Central District, we ask each of our churches to send $250 per year to Central District Alliance Women. It’s our privilege to send a LOVE GIFT to the ministry bundle for every IW household. This allows our workers to use the gift in the way that most benefits their family and ministry. The gift amount will be calculated based on the size of the family.

How to Give?

  • Donations may be sent in a lump sum of $250 or five $50 payments.

  • Send gifts as convenient for you. No specific months are suggested.

  • Make checks payable to:  CENTRAL DISTRICT ALLIANCE WOMEN, marked AW Love Gift.

  • Mail to: Central District, 1231 High Street, Wadsworth OH 44281

Third Culture Kids (TCK)


Some very important people in our Central District family are our TCKs—third culture kids—formerly known as MKs (missionary kids). Our purpose is to ensure that every one of these children is “adopted” by a church who will pray for them regularly and demonstrate love in creative long-distance ways. We want our IWs to know that we’re not only praying for them and the ministry God has called them to, but that we are also praying and caring for their children.

How to Adopt A TCK

  • Contact the District TCK coordinator (below) for more information

  • Establish local point person for ongoing TCK care

  • A church may choose to adopt all the children in a family or just one child.

  • District TCK Coordinator will provide support and guidance to the local point person as to how to be involved in your TCK’s life

Kendra Sovine
TCK Coordinator
[email protected]

Missionary Wheels

Missionary Wheels exists to provide a vehicle for IWs when they are on home assignment. Central District Men’s Ministry funds this ministry in two ways:

Mug Dump

Whether you continue to fill glass mugs with pocket change or simply write a check, Missionary Wheels appreciates your contributions. All funds received go to Missionary Wheels. To make a monetary donation, send a check (made out to “Central District” and marked “Missionary Wheels” in the memo line) to the Central District Office, 1231 High Street, Wadsworth OH  44281.

Vehicle Donations

You can donate your vehicle to help a missionary family. Donated vehicles are tax deductible! Donated late model and low mileage vehicles are used by Missionary Wheels to replace some of our older high mileage vehicles. Donated high mileage or older vehicles may be sold and the proceeds used to maintain our current vehicles. 

Jim Boscaljon
Missionary Wheels Coordinator
[email protected]
(330) 414-0561

Additional information about this topic is available in the printed (or PDF) version of the Handbook. It is excluded from the online version for security reasons. To request a printed (or PDF) copy of the Handbook, contact the district Missions Mobilizers.