Central Connection | March 20th, 2025

In This Connection

  • Compete or Mobilize? | Church Mobilization Director Article

  • General Council 2025 Promo & Information

  • 2025 Regional Partnerships

  • Alliance Peacemaking Training: Level 2 | April 30th-May 1st

  • Worker Update

Compete or Mobilize?

A brief message from Dennis Turner.
(Director of Church Mobilization)

I just heard that in an effort to pull ahead of Southwest Airlines, Frontier Airlines is offering a promotion for “free checked bags” on their flights. On the fast food front, Wendy’s, in an effort to compete with McDonald’s and Burger King, will be offering a new line of Frostys with Frosty Swirls and Frosty Fusions!
Getting a leg up on market shares in business is an economic necessity. Competition can be a healthy thing in the corporate world that often has great benefit for the consumer. But not so for the church!
As congregations of ONE church, we are not competitors with each other. I believe we all know this to be the true biblical reality. However, in our consumeristic world, we can sometimes be tempted to try and provide a little more for people than the church down the road. And even if church leaders do not intend that to be the case, people in the church sometimes look at it that way, practically speaking. (A large majority of “church growth” is still transfer growth across the Evangelical landscape.)
But what if we ALL focused more on mobilizing our people – and ourselves! – to be more engaged in the world in which we live? Perhaps we could actually be a part of a unified effort in seeing greater impact in the spiritual lostness of our friends and neighbors. This mobilization effort might disrupt some of our programming at our church buildings or at least help focus our programming more missionally.
Remember, sisters and brothers, there is more that unites us than divides us. Would you take up the call to raise the temperature of mobilizing the people of the church to BE the church to each other and toward those who do not yet know Jesus? Would you take up the call to pursue partnership in the kingdom with other like-minded believers and congregations? Let’s MOBILIZE and break the stronghold of competition.
If you would like to press in more on what mobilization looks like, email Taylor at [email protected] to set up a time for us to get together.
And for what it’s worth, chocolate Frosty is the ONLY Frosty for me!

General Council 2025


General Council will be held May 26th - May 30th, 2025, in Columbus, Ohio. This important event is open to all C&MA members and adherents.

Online registration ends April 18th.

The Central District Dessert Reception will be held on Thursday, May 29th, and is nearly at capacity. If you would like to register for this reception you will need to do so soon to ensure your spot.

You can sign up for this reception within your Council registration.

Click here to register now!

Click here to visit the Council website!

Council Letter to Official Workers!

2025 Regional Partnerships

It is not too late to sign up for the remaining Regional Partnerships!

Our focus will be:
Missional Breakthrough in Anxious Times
Click here to read a 4-minute article on this!
Mark your calendars for the date that works best for you.
Bring other leaders from your congregations as well.
All times are 9:30am-11:30am with lunch to follow for those who can stay.
March 25 @ West Side Alliance Church
March 26 @ Buckhannon Alliance Church
March 27 @ Zanesville Alliance Church
April 3 @ Mansfield Alliance Church

Please RSVP to Taylor Callahan [email protected]

Alliance Peacemaking Training: Level 2


"Conflict is inevitable; how we handle it is not. God expects us to handle our conflicts differently than the world does.  Alliance Peacemaking teaches how He wants us to deal with conflict."


If you are a Christian leader (consecrated and ordained or lay), you are already coaching. This two-day live seminar equips you to coach better from a biblical standpoint to help other people see and resolve their conflict from a godly perspective. Certified conflict coaches become resources for their churches.

Please note:You must complete level 1 training to participate in this event.

This training will be held at Riverside Alliance Church, April 30th-May 1st.
( 2433 S Main St, Akron, OH 44319)

The cost to attend is $300.

Click here to register now!

Worker Update


Luke and Morgan Miller, Westwood Alliance Church, were blessed to welcome a baby boy into their family this week! 

Mariah Kulton